“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.”—Jack Ma
For some reason, today’s title came to me as just a word. No real concept. Just a word. Usually, inspiration comes as a theme. Today, all I got was a topic. Why? I don’t know. Subconsciously, though, it must be something I need to consider.
The Armstrong clan from Scotland has a motto: “Invictus Maneo”. I remain unvanquished. In other words, “unbreakable”.
Life is wrought with challenges, shifts in direction, and doubt. These should never break us. Tragically, many break every day. They quit or worse. We need not break.
Consider “why?” when things fail to go “your way”. Consider that, perhaps, just maybe, i.e., very likely, that your plans just didn’t fit the greater Purpose. Consider that there is a greater future for your, if you are willing to be open.
What makes something “unbreakable”? Things break when they cannot resist the forces acting on them. Metal, when heated, bends easily. When cold, it is more brittle and is more likely to break. Substances can be rigid, elastic, or malleable. Rigid does not withstand the forces acting on it. Elastic easily stretches, but quickly returns to its original state when the forces are removed. Malleable results in “permanent” change. Here, I suggest permanent in only a temporary way. As one pursuing “well-centeredness” change is never permanent. Growth is malleable. One who is growing is always changing—for the better. (Be your best today; be better tomorrow.)
If we are unbreakable, we must bend and be flexible—with care taken in which forces we allow to change us. Unbreakable is not at all conforming. Conformance is the wrong kind of “unbreakable”. Rather we should be shaped into what we are purposed to become.
Seek to know your Purpose and pursue it. Allow the circumstances—opportunities—in life to shape you. Never allow yourself to become rigid and dogmatic.
Carpe momento!
“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”—Norman Vincent Peale