Any time we get an opportunity to take a break, what do we do? I trust that we do what most everyone does—we pull out our phone. We check e-mail, Facebook, Twitter,…, or launch a game. It is a distraction. It is a habit. It is a wasted opportunity.
Every time we fill our down time with mindless screen time, we miss an opportunity to take a “productive pause”—to hit the reset and gather our focus. I am guilty. We are all guilty. It is time to break the habit of the smartphone.
Now, there is not anything wrong with using our technology. It is fine to check e-mail periodically. I enjoy checking in with my friends on Facebook. Spider Solitaire can help me regain my focus on occasion. We just need a little less of it. (For some, maybe a lot less of it!)
It is easy to get in the habit of being so busy that we don’t know how to slow down. When there is a break, it is not difficult to extend the time by getting caught up in the drama of social media, the frustration of not getting three stars for wasting green pigs, or being compelled to answer that one e-mail. Instead, we just need to resist the temptation. Skip the “i” time and take some “me” time. Just take a few minutes to close your eyes and embrace your thoughts. Escape for the moment and just breathe. Relax. Meditate. Reflect. Visualize.
I confess, this isn’t easy. It takes some effort for me to stop. My throttle gets stuck, I want to just keep going. Unfortunately, the 5-minute break that could have refreshed me turns into 30 minutes of wasted time that I can’t get back.
The devices that are intended to make us more productive actually lessen our productivity. They deceive us into thinking we are getting more done (and perhaps we are), but, in reality, we are doing so at the cost of our well-being. I, for one, need a break. I don’t subscribe to a total fast from technology. I just want to use my technology to better my life and capitalize on the freedom it does give me.
Why take a break from my work by turning from my computer to my tablet or phone? It is better that I take a 15-minute productive pause to reflect, meditate, pray, or otherwise recharge. It is better that I talk to my wife or children. It is better that I drag my kids away from the TV or electronics to play catch. It is better that I take the dog for a walk. It is just better that I put the electronics aside just a few times a day to pause. Who is with me?
“Carpe momento” is not followed by “…to check e-mail” or “…scroll Facebook”. It means: “grab on to every opportunity”.