“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23, ISV)
I have commented before how I find these verses to be a guide in my life. Though often taught to be a product of God’s Holy Spirit, I see these as something we cultivate. In other words, it takes effort on our part.
No matter what one’s faith might be, there is application for all of us. This, in my opinion is one of the central themes of Spiritual well-centeredness. It is, however, no easy task. I will openly admit, that, if these were a measure of God’s Holy Spirit in me or my success as a person, I fall miserably short of the mark. However, I truly believe that with effort and practice I can grow in these. Over the course of the next nine days or so, I want to spend some time considering these individually—for myself, personally (maybe the reader can benefit, too).
Love is listed first. Perhaps for good reason. It is foundational to all the other “fruit”. It is where we begin Spiritually.
Love is not like. One does not have to like someone to love the person. If this were so, my struggle would be nearly impossible. Love is not merely sexual attraction—indeed, this is possible the lowest form of love. Love rather is a deep, sincere benevolence toward another—or disposition to do good. In the case of the biblical admonishment to “love your enemy”, it requires a desire to do no intentional harm. It is an attitude—a chosen attitude—to treat other as we desire to be treated. It is an attitude of goodwill and selflessness.
Love does not require that we allow others to walk all over us. Quite the contrary, I see love as a “third way” in dealing with conflict. Rather than intending to harm our opposition or submitting to abuse, the way of love (the third way) “is always asking if there is an imaginative, subversive, brilliant, creative path” (Rob Bell) to resolving conflict. Love is seeking a win-win.
Love isn’t all “warm and fuzzy”. The band, Nazareth, was right:
“Love hurts
Love scars
Love wounds and marks
Any heart not tough or strong enough
To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud, it holds a lot of rain
Love hurts
Ooh love hurts”
Still, love is essential to joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It is a choice. It is a decision to act contrary to our normal instincts. Sadly, it is sorely lacking in our society.
Carpe momento. Love.