As I look back over my posts for Thanksgiving over the last several years, I see a theme of grattitude. Yes, I know how I spelled it (gratitude + attitude = grattitude). Perhaps, I can get the word officially added to the Oxford dictionary so that Word doesn’t keep putting the red squiggle under it every time I type it. (I will note that I am grateful for the spell-check. So, thank you Microsoft.) GRATTITUDE. I must continue the theme. Grattitude, after all, is a mindset. It is not a thought for one day of the year.
Perhaps this year we can focus less on gratitude and thanks for what we have received. Instead, focus on grattitude and literally give thanks by sharing with others—particularly those who are in want. (Recognize that “want” can be Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and/or Social. It is not always (rarely) simply financial.)
Don’t wait for the meal to be on the table this Thanksgiving to express your thanks. Carpe momento. Express and demonstrate your thanks by you consistent grattitude.
Today, I reiterate my thanks from a previous post (the feelings are the same only stronger):
I am thankful for my faith—that I am not so bound up in religiosity as to lose sight of my calling.
I am thankful for my family—though mine is scattered they are with me everywhere.
I am thankful for friends—those who are near and far; all who profoundly influence me daily.
I am thankful for my neighbors—be they friend or foe.
I am thankful for the impetus to grow—for the inclination to be my best today and be better tomorrow.
I am thankful for my health and the opportunity to help others find a path to well-being.
I am thankful for the opportunity to have an impact on others and have a role in shaping my world.
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual.”—Henry David Thoreau
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!!