I met up with an old friend, Mike, yesterday. He was passing through town, and we had a wonderful opportunity to catch up. We usually only get to see each other every 5 years at reunions. This a reunion year, but our 40-year reunion has not been scheduled because of COVID-19; so, this was a treat.
Mike and I both started on a similar but dissimilar Spiritual path at the end of college. There are some in either group that we each followed who would say that one of us was wrong and the other was right. The trajectory of those paths were, indeed, quite different, yet we both main a quite similar view of GOD and the Universe. Considering our paths, we reflected on the countless crossings and interconnections of people and events. There could be no doubt that each unique path was Intentional and Purposeful. Neither could claim superiority. Each could claim its divine uniqueness.
I am fascinated by the unity that I see in increasingly complex world. Of late, we are quite aware of the divisiveness in society but less aware of our connections and Purpose. This is anything but Spiritual. It is a failure of humankind. I am hopeful for an awakening. I am hopeful that we might begin to allow the space for the “soul to speak” and to see that we are more One the more diverse and complex that we become.
I have come to favor the question: “If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, what would you change?” I favor this because it is a most Spiritual question, and it speaks to one’s worldview and understanding of one’s Purpose. The answer, of course, should be “nothing” because we are who and what we are because of our past experiences (good or bad) and the slightest change in those experiences will have a profound effect on countless others besides ourselves.
I appreciate the diversity that makes for our greater Oneness. We don’t share the same faiths, political views, or (sometimes) very many views, but we share experience—whether directly or indirectly. This unifies us. This makes us One. We just have a way to go before we fully realize this. (Hopefully, not as far as we might think.)
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!!