It is election day in the United States. One candidate will win. That is the process. That candidate will or will not be our choice. For some it will seem like the end of the world. I don’t believe it will be.
My wife had meetings in Portland (OR), yesterday. She said it was a ghost town. She shared pictures of buildings boarded up in preparation for the expected rioting. It is sad.
I don’t believe the world will end tomorrow—literally or figuratively. Life will go on. What life will be like will not matter on who is elected (or not elected). Life will be what we make it.
If we are more divided tomorrow, it is because we have decided to be.
If there is rioting and vandalism, it is because we have chosen divisiveness over unity
My hope for tomorrow begins today. It does not begin with for whom I voted. (She is not going to win.) It begins with me—with how I chose to live with my neighbor. Hope begins with the liberty on which this nation was founded. It begins with the principle of “love your enemy.” My hope is not in a political revolution. Rather, it lies in a Spiritual revolution. There is not one of us who need not look deep within ourselves to find that which we need to change in the world.
I don’t care for politics. I care, however, for the future of humanity…of all Creation.
What will tomorrow be?
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!