“The one that works the hardest comes out on top.”—Debbie Meyer
I saw this quote this morning, and if gave me pause. Of course, I don’t know the full context of the quote, but it strikes me as misleading. It is a motivating statement, as it is intended, but it is likely to leave most of us disillusioned. I am all for hard work, but I don’t want anyone to believe that hard work is going to guarantee success. The one who works the hardest doesn’t always come out on top.
There is always only one #1—one winner, one champion, one “best”. There is never any shame in being #2 (or #3, etc.). What is most important is the effort and the personal success and progress.
The hardest working don’t always come out on top. It is also worth noting that the person on top is not always the hardest working. Some come by success by chance, by privilege, or by cheating. Some work as hard but are just naturally better than the hardest worker. Some are limited by genetics, environment, injuries, opportunity, etc. They may give everything that have, and it may not be “good enough” (to come out on top). There is no shame to be had in not winning. The question we have to ask ourselves at the end of the day is: “Did I do my best?”
Life isn’t about being “on top”. Life is about giving all that we have been given.
Statistically, we are rarely ever going to be at the “top”. Nevertheless, we can strive to do that things we pursue with all our heart (Ecclesiastes 9:10) and top today, tomorrow.
We must also be prudent in what we sacrifice to be “on top”. He who has “worked the hardest” has had to forego something to put his energies into being the best. Opportunity costs. What are we willing to sacrifice? Family? Career? Health? When we are working hard at one thing, our effort and attention is taken from everything else.
Pursue what is most important and give your best effort.
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!!