“Good players have goals, great players have a strong reason why they want to achieve them.”—Wrestling Mindset
About this time in the year, New Year’s Resolutions are toppling like dominoes. Why? Because we lack the resolve and we lack the purpose. For goals to be meaningful we need our “why”. We need to have goals that are consistent with our Purpose. (I capitalize “Purpose” when I link it to the Spiritual dimension—our connectedness to that which is greater than self.)
Self-centered goals are always less fulfilling than goals that are centered on others. After all, with whom do we have to share the fruits of our efforts when it is all about self? Who do we have to encourage us and keep us accountable? Moreover, who do we inspire when we are in it for our self?
Our strongest motivation to succeed comes from without. If your goals are floundering, pause and consider your “why”. Moreover, consider your motivation with a greater sense of grattitude and Purpose. Never think that you have to do something. Remember that you get to do it—and that you are doing it for others.
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!