I just completed my eight-week maintenance on the RP Diet. (Technically, I started a second cut right after Thanksgiving, but I officially ended the maintenance yesterday.) After eight weeks, I am pleased with the results. Despite a Thanksgiving spike in weight, I had my body composition tested and I have gained 0.414 kg (0.91 lb) of total body weight, lost 1.587 kg (3.49 lb) of fat and gained 2.001 kg (4.4 lb) of lean mass. I have to say, I am pleased with the results.
Now comes the real challenge—Winter Break. After final exams next week, I am off until classes resume on January 6th. The question I had to ask myself was whether to continue on the maintenance plan or start another cut. I have decided to do the “impossible” and lose weight over the holidays. With the help of the RP Diet App, I have determined to drop to 95.5 kg (210 lb) by January 10. Five weeks. Approximately 10 lb. I don’t wish to miss out on the festivities.
It can be done. The key will be to maintain my exercise habits (maybe ratchet it up a bit, since I will have more available time) and managing potential disruptions. A goal is to maintain adherence at 80% or better—meaning I can’t get off track more than a couple meals a week (that’s no more than nine meals that are off track on macros per week), and snacking has to be kept to an almost-nonexistent minimum. But, I am going to enjoy the special meals. It will be about choices and considering the “opportunity costs”.
Follow along as I track the progress.
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!