I see two extremes in social media–extreme negativity and extreme positivity. Rarely much in between.
Every day, we have a choice whether we want to brighten the world around us or drag others down into our darkness. I am learning to approach the day, not with the emotions with which I start the day, but rather with the emotions I want to experience throughout the day. I am a cynic by nature. It is very easy to latch onto the negatives. It takes effort to be encouraging. However, like the overcoming of inertia, once we begin down that path, the easier it gets. Momentum picks up and our light takes on the energy of those around us.
I have friends who have suffered great loss and/or suffer daily with great pain. I look forward, however, to their enthusiasm at the start of the day. One friend, for example, suffers from severe chronic pain. Rarely a day goes by that she doesn’t post some bright smiley-face meme telling us all to have a great day. It is such a stark contrast to those who post nothing but what is wrong with the world.
This blog is so much more for me than for anyone who might read it. I am making a choice to say they things I most need to hear. If I choose to go with my natural inclinations, I am likely to rant and complain. If I choose to share self-encouragement, I put myself and, subsequently, others on a path to a brighter day. Either way, the result is contagious.
So, as we spend our time in social media, let us approach our interactions from a positive perspective. Sean Stephenson, a bright light who I recently discovered (Check out is One-Minute With Sean posts on Facebook.), recently pointed out that our negative comments about politicians only serves to draw further attention to that person. If you support a particular candidate, as we approach the upcoming primaries and presidential election her in the US, tell me what you like about said candidate rather than tear down his/her opponents. Likewise, if something angers you about someone or something, don’t voice negative words. Present a solution. Direct yourself toward something positive.
It isn’t easy. I am writing this, not because I do it so well; rather, I am writing to myself, because I struggle daily. The choice is ours (mine). Will we be a source of light and encouragement, or will we add to the doom and gloom?
Carpe friggin’ diem!!