Some days are stone.

I am a John Denver fan.  (Of course I am.  I am a West Virginia University graduate.)  I love the lyric: “Some days are diamonds. Some days are stone.”  This is a reality of life.  Days are gonna be hard.  Some are a good hard (diamonds).  Some are a less good hard (stones).  And maybe they are just how we perceive them—a diamond is a stone, after all.

Another way to look at this is the old Billy Joe Shaver song: “I’m just an old chunk of coal (but I’m gonna be a diamond someday)”.  It is all perspective.  It is all a matter of choice.  We can see ourselves where we are and lament, or we can see what today is going to make us.

I have discovered that I am often looking for what I want and, a such, I fail to see that God has given me what he wants—that my purpose and my opportunity are to be where I am right now.  We need to receive the moment we are in.  We need to accept where we are and know that it is going to lead us where we are supposed to be.  It may seem like we are an old chunk of coal, but let nature act on us and we’ll become a diamond.

Accept the days that are stone.  Let yourself be challenged and don’t be disheartened.  The difficult days are what strengthen us.  These are the days that help us better appreciate the diamond days.

Don’t overlook the opportunity that presents itself.  Doing as such will keep you moving in a positive direction.

Rejoice in the days that are diamonds.  Celebrate.  Be thankful. 

It is never easy to see what you will become when you see yourself as an “old chunk of coal”, but there is a process to becoming a diamond (unfortunately, geologically, diamonds do not really form from coal beds—but it makes for a great country lyric).  Likewise, there is a process to each of us becoming who we are intended to be, and, like it or not, we need to go through what we are going through to get there.

See yourself as a diamond and not just a stone.  Take advantage of the opportunity that is presenting itself (carpe momento).  Capitalize on what life brings you.  Receive the moment you are in.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow!

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.”—Peter Mars

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