There is one thing that separates the (extra)ordinary from the ordinary: failure. Indeed, real success is predicated on failure. That is, (extra)ordinary success is built on failure. Of course, we can succeed by setting the bar low, but that is nothing but ordinary.
Failing means we have set the bar sufficiently high as to challenge ourselves beyond our current limits—beyond our “ordinary”. Of course, we don’t want to fail in a big way. We want to chase failure, but in a way that leads to progress. We want to apply the “overload principle”—in order for a body system to adapt, it must be stressed to a level greater than that to which it has been accustomed.
There should not be a negative stigma attached to failure—unless, of course, it is associated with a lack of effort. We grow stronger and better by failing—by trying beyond what we did yesterday.
We need to be comfortably uncomfortable. In other words, we need to be comfortable with being challenged. Otherwise, there is no growth.
We need to be comfortable with others failing. Indeed, we need to encourage it—with our children, our students, our colleagues/employees, etc.
Success is the child of failure. As we seek to grow and to be successful, there will, and must be, much failure along the way. So, chase it. Chase failure, and you will ultimately find success (only the fail again as you continue to grow).
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!