I have a number of pet peeves. One is when drivers in the passing lane slow to (well) below the speed limit when they see someone pulled over by the state police. First, the officer is already engaged in giving a ticket. Second, braking and slowing to below the speed limit is not going to avert getting a ticket, if one is speeding. Now, I am not encouraging one to break the law and drive at excessive speeds (though I would encourage drivers to use the passing lane for passing, like it is intended), but don’t slow to below the speed limit because you see flashing lights. (By all means, though, move over and leave an empty lane between you and emergency vehicles, but don’t brake in the fast lane!)
Considering this experience, I couldn’t help but think about how often we do this in life. We have a tendency to slow down when we see someone else struggling. Our own fear kicks in, and we panic. This is unreasonable behavior. Stop it!
We cannot allow ourselves to be slowed down by others’ mistakes. True, if we are being likewise reckless, we should reconsider our actions, but we should not have unnecessary fear. Likewise, we should not interfere with another’s progress because of our own irrational fears.
We should be assertive in our pursuits. I prefer to travel at a reasonable safe speed—just above the posted speed limit, but not high enough to draw the attention (and the lights of the state police). I also get out of the way of drivers who are a bit more assertive. I use the passing lane to pass. In life, as well, we need to pursue with a safe, but slightly more confident than the next guy, attitude. We can’t worry about being stopped. We especially cannot be worried by troubles that cannot directly affect us.
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!