Prevention. Prevention requires foresight. Preparing for success is invariably preventing failure. Preventing failure requires that one understand the potential causes of failure. Thus, to succeed we must allow ourselves to fail. Sound confusing?
In practicing for sport or anything challenging in life, we have to know what can happen when we don’t execute perfectly and/or the opposition counters our efforts (as we should expect they will). Remember, “Murphy’s Law”? Thus, we need to exercise every possible scenario. Where we are vulnerable, we need a defense.
Prevention is everywhere in life. We (should) prevent injury or disease. We (should) prevent the unexpected. We (should) guard our weaknesses. Success is simply preventing failure.
We should not enter any opportunity ill-prepared. Seeking well-centeredness (i.e., Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social preparedness) is our best prevention.
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!