In the movie, Courageous, the Kendrick brothers presented a Resolution for fathers as leaders in their household. I was moved by the movie in so many ways. I believe in the commitments detailed in the Resolution and renew them annually with my wife and children. To round out the year, I want to share my thoughts on these commitments.
I do solemnly resolve before God to take full responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children.
11. I WILL courageously work with the strength God provides to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory.
“Can’t” is not in my vocabulary because I am confident in the strength God provides me. I first signed this Resolution in the fall of 2012. Every year, I renew my commitment. Have I fulfilled it perfectly? Of course not. There is no quitting, though.
This is being posted on New Year’s Eve 2017. Tomorrow, we begin a new year filled with opportunity. Will I be perfect in 2018? Not likely.
This is not a New Year’s Resolution. I am not a believer in these. Too often New Year’s Resolutions are half-heartedly written and quickly forgotten. This Resolution is framed and hung prominently in my house—where I must view them frequently. This is a commitment to be my best today; be better tomorrow. There is no giving up on these like one gives up on a resolution to lose weight or exercise. My wife and children—and my children’s children—depend on me.
Carpe momento!