So, you over-indulged a bit yesterday? That’s okay. I did, too. Today, though, is a new day. Many will start a new fad diet that might shed a few pounds as a preemptive strike against the Christmas calories. Christmas, of course, will be followed with New Year Resolutions and yet another cycle of dieting. Stop!
Begin today a new habit of responsible, healthy eating. Exercise and begin making food choices that sustainable and permit the occasional indulgences.
Instead of getting up at some unreasonable hour to shop for specials and fight the crowds of insane shoppers (though I suspect some will be reading this too last, as it will be posted after the madness begins), take the time to get in a bit of extra physical activity. Exercise and do a bit more HIIT/HIIRT than usual to burn a few extra calories, but also get a bit of extra recreational activity. Go for a long walk. Bike. Move.
Avoid the guilt that you are certainly feeling for that display of gluttony at yesterday’s festivities. It is too late to eat less yesterday. Just be smart today, tomorrow, and the weeks to come.
Go a bit easier on the carbohydrates for a few days. Keep the leftover desserts where they are less accessible. If you feel the need to snack, snack on those foods which are more satisfying and less calorie dense.
Avoid alcohol. Perhaps you had more than you usual during Thanksgiving? No problem (unless it caused problems). Now, for a while, just reduce the alcohol calories to spare calories for nutritive foods. (I recommended avoiding the guilt of over-eating, but I didn’t say there wouldn’t be consequences!)
Get on track for the coming holiday temptations and have a plan. Enjoy, but do so tempered by wisdom.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and wish blessings to all!
Carpe momento!
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