Bulgarian bag training.

I caught a video of wrestling legend, Dan Gable, using a Bulgarian bag (Suples.com) in training.  (Yes, he turns 69 on October 25th, and he still works out like a beast!)  I love Bulgarian bag training and this video both reinforces my interest and motivates my desire.

The Bulgarian bag, in my most humble opinion, is a must have.  It is more versatile than kettlebells and gives a darn good cardio/muscle endurance workout.  If you like “HIIT”, then check them out.

In addition to the cardio/muscle endurance and fat-burning benefits, I think there is no better way to strengthen an athletic core.  The movements are explosive and involve an acceleration/deceleration component that is essential for all sports.  Agility, after all, is driven by the hips and core.  In order to change directions, an athlete must first stop movement in the direction of travel (decelerate) and accelerate in the opposite direction.  Remember, an object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted on by another force.  Most “core” training is done for “six-pack abs” not function.  The Bulgarian bag allows for both (but, truth be told, diet is the real key to a six pack).

I have developed a routine that I use regularly.  I call it the “core 550” because it involves 5 sets of 5 movements that are performed for 10 repetitions.  Depending on speed and rest periods, it takes less than 10 minutes.  The movements are the hip thrust (which is much like a kettlebell swing), toss left, toss right, spin right, and spin left.  These are not much different than the movements performed by Dan Gable in the video below.  I use a bigger hip hinge (i.e., swinging between the legs to just above horizontal with the arms), but there are other variations.  The key to the hip hinge is that the hips drive the movement, not the lower back.  I also prefer a wider range in the side tosses—incorporating the hips by beginning in a slight squat and rotating the trunk to bring the arms slightly above shoulder height.

There are endless possibilities with the Bulgarian bag.  I am inspired by my old wrestling coaches’ “Russian Conditioning Program” and driven by my creative imagination.  Try it.  I am confident you will become hooked!

Be your best today; be better tomorrow!

Carpe momento!


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