Is it just me, or does everyone seem offended?  Why is this?

Politics are getting into everything.  I am fine with everyone having an opinion.  I am fine with people sharing theirs.  What upsets me is that our communities are becoming increasingly polarized.

The POTUS is calling NFL players “sons of bitches”.  I read a rather disrespectful letter to the FLOTUS rejecting books that were sent to a Cambridge, Massachusetts, librarian for what may have be justifiable reasons, but, nonetheless, inappropriate.  Standing.  Kneeling. Black. White.  Police.  Civilian.  Republican.  Democrat.  Rich. Poor.  Legal. Illegal.  The list goes on and on.  I can take a side or not.  It doesn’t matter.

The point is that we can have differing views without disrespecting our neighbor.  So, maybe it is time to stop running off at the mouth and listen.  As the saying goes: “God gave us two ears and one mouth.  Use them in proportion.”

Abraham Lincoln said, “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.” We should do the same.  Dialogue.  We need some good ol’ fashion dialogue to right things in our community.

Carpe momento.

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