
The beatitudes expressed in the Bible (Matthew 5:3-10) suggest we be poor in spirit, meek, mournful, hungry and thirsty after justice, merciful, clean of heart, peacemakers, and they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake. None of these are easy things. Nevertheless, they have their rewards (i.e., they come with blessings). We are blessed in these beatitudes in that we enter the kingdom of heaven, possess the land, are comforted, have our fill, obtain mercy, see God, and are called the children of God. Thus, we act such as to bless others and are returned blessing in kind. These are attitudes of being. I often want to spell beatitude with two Ts. (I would have been eliminated from the spelling bee.) I also wish to spell gratitude, likewise, with two Ts (grattitude = attitude of gratitude). Perhaps what we are being called to do in these words in the opening of what is called “the Sermon on the Mount” is to exist (to be) in an attitude of gratitude that reflects in our actions and treatment of others and all of Creation. Imagine such a world!

Perhaps I should expand my mission to change the spelling of gratitude to grattitude. Maybe begin to set our minds and actions on the be-grattitudes? Know that we are blessed when are hearts are right and be grateful for all that life brings us.

Be you best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!!


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