For Those Missing Graduation.

It is graduation season. It is cause for the celebration of the accomplishments of our young (and in some college situations, our older adults). For some parents—and there are far too many—this season is a reminder of loss and what could have been. Today’s message is for the families that missed out on graduation—proms, sports, concerts, plays, and all the things that high schoolers do. Know that your child is not forgotten. Know that you are loved and that we understand the void in your heart that grows bigger with each missed memory.

We need to remember that for all that brings us joy there are some who celebrate with us despite an emptiness that will never go away. Acknowledge the chair that was not placed, the name that was not called, and the diploma that was not printed.

It is easy to get caught up in our own lives and celebrations and to forget the pain that many parents carried through every school day and missed milestone—and will continue to carry. Let’s not forget these parents and especially the child who missing graduation.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!!

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