Leadership in Action.

“Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.”—Harold S. Geneen

I almost want to just leave this quote to stand for itself. We live in a world where most do not want to lead and are willing to follow anyone who says what they want to hear. Too often we hear the words and ignore the attitudes and the actions (or inactions as the case may so often be). I don’t know what is the hardest to swallow—that we produce so few qualified leaders or that we don’t seem to care.

We all have our circles in which we are called to lead. Are we stepping up or stepping back? Is our leadership apparent in our actions or are leading merely with our words. The world needs our leadership in action and in attitude (better: in grattitude).

To lead is to serve. It is not to be served.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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