I was sitting at my computer trying to think of a subject for today’s post when my phone buzzed to tell me it was “time to eat” (a feature of the RP Diet App I have been using). It occurred to me how pleasant it is when one is “cutting” (I will avoid the use of the term “dieting” to refer to efforts to lose body fat) to be told to eat. Usually, when we are cutting—or maybe even just trying to manage weight maintenance—it is easy to feel restricted and to focus on not eating. The same can be said for any behavior we are attempting to change. Most often, we emphasize deprivation rather than enjoying the new behavior. We focus on the negative rather than the positive. My friend, Andy Lausier, refers to this as the “have to”.
Positive and healthy behavior is an opportunity (a “get”). For the first time ever, I am actually enjoying the opportunity to lose body fat. I am focused on my success, and, moreover, I am relishing in the choices. I don’t find that I am denying myself. Instead finding that I can eat more because I am making better decisions.
I made a comment the other day that the changes I have been making require a bigger lunch box. Yes, I feel like I am eating more because I am eating the right foods at the right times and in the right quantities (macro balance). I am focused on what I can eat rather than what I can’t eat. That is liberating.
It is easy to focus on the “can nots” and “do nots”. But this only brings misery. Try an attitude of gratitude (grattitude) and consider all the opportunities the new behavior permits.
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!