All things.

I like to think there is a purpose to everything.  I believe we are all connected on a Spiritual-Physical level.  I believe that God is at the center of this connection.  Believing this leads me to believe the Scripture that reads: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).  “All things” means the good and the bad.

I came a blog that suggested that believing this verse leads one to NOT: get angry, feel offended, lose one’s self-control, become jealous or envious, lose courage, become bitter, bear a grudge against anyone, complain about anything, become dissatisfied, avenge myself, take what belongs to others, do anything that is false or deceptive, become restless when something is going on, revile in return when one is reviled, dislike anybody at all, get upset, feel it is hard to bear when one has to suffer reproach, think that anything is annoying, think that anyone or anything is standing in my way, feel that one is ever unfortunate, feel that one has been deceived, desire better earthly things, or feel aggrieved that one has received the spouse that one has or that one has no spouse.  I read this and thought to myself: “SERIOUSLY??

Now, on some points, I agree.  I concur that some of the points are accurate (e.g., take what belongs to others, do anything that is false or deceptive, or revile in return when one is reviled), but the others are a matter of human nature and that we want good things to happen to us.  It is normal to get angry, be dissatisfied, etc.  For the most part, we grow in our ability to control these when we struggle.  The is the “good” that comes from our hardship.  As well it is the good and the bad that bring us together—that allow us to experience our connectedness on a deeper level.

Believing that all things work together for good, does not mean we will feel good about the crap going on in our lives and around us.  It simple gives us the anchor to weather the storm.

I often have periods of deep dissatisfaction and restlessness.  I get angry.  Though I strive to live “I am third”, I often feel used and taken advantage of.  My sense of Purpose is often challenged.  Nevertheless, it is the belief that all things work together for good that helps me through the anger, the dissatisfaction, and frustration.  I, of course, desire better earthly things.  Who doesn’t?  Still, I am satisfied in trusting that it just isn’t my time.  Good will come when it suits my Purpose.

I had the thought, recently, that perhaps learning to deal with the struggle was the purpose.  I may not like where I am, but not liking a current situation does not mean one has suspended his or her trust that good will come.  We just need to trust our path.

Be your best today; be better tomorrow.

Carpe momento!

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