“The spirit of celebration and togetherness is a great source of inspiration.”— Nandita Mahtani
The ninth of Lauryn Axelrod’s Ten Words: An Interspiritual Guide to Becoming Better People in a Better World is “celebration.” Celebration requires community. One cannot celebrate in isolation. As we move through the Ten Words—attention, acceptance, authenticity, benevolence, balance, contemplation, creativity, collaboration, celebration, and care—we must first come together. As we collaborate in our creativity, we develop solutions that warrant celebration. Celebrating together—especially when we celebrate with people who are different than us—brings us together.
“We all have life storms, and when we get the rough times and we recover from them, we should celebrate that we got through it. No matter how bad it may seem, there’s always something beautiful that you can find.”—Mattie Stepanek
One of the great lessons I learned from Mattie Stepanek is to “play after every storm.” This is celebration. We will face countless storms in life. We don’t experience these in isolation. We may not agree with the others in the storm, but we have the common goal of surviving the storm. In the eye of the storm, we are not divided. To what benefit is it to come out of the storm only to go back to our divisive positions. We come together in collaboration to survive the storm. When we make it through (together). It is time now to celebrate. Celebrate!
Be your best today; be better tomorrow.
Carpe momento!!